Note to Ruby:
You can't be a bad guy, because you haven't grasped one of the cardinal bad-guy rules: DO NOT PUBLISH PEOPLE'S ENTIRE REAL NAMES ON THE INTERNET. Hello? I don't want some Ruby-groupie dolt knocking on my door. For that, I may just have to take your link down. Now, I notice you use your entire real name, but that's just bad form.
That said, I have another crazy work story for those keeping up with the EOL stories (EOL either stands for Evil Oompa Loompa, or, for the slightly bigger geeks amongst us, Evil Over Lord). Evidently, my imminent departure has created quite a hullabaloo. My friend S. (i.e. Rox without the bedazzling) was trying to organize the now-presupposed pig-out, when the EOL stomped on the plan. As a temp, I do not warrent a going-away party. Whatever - that's fine by me, since it's not really ever a party in our department anyway. Then, the second-in-command (i.e. Lap Dog/Watch Dog) brought up the idea again (though not to the EOL), and so it was resurrected. At this point, I have no idea if there will be food or no, which (I reiterate) is FINE. The only thing that makes me a little sad is that sweet, "canadian" D. decided it should be a Canadian Theme! How cool is that? Let me answer: very cool. So stay tuned, gang
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