Wednesday, July 24

I’m totally cheating. I’m writing my blog right now, while I’m at work, and I’m going to e-mail it to myself to post later.
This is because I’m too excited to work. I have no desire to check pricing, colors, or anything else having to do with my current job.
Because… I got the job at B’Gosh! Happy day! Happy day! I start August 5 (which means I had to give slightly less than two weeks’ notice). My boss here at 4imprint seems convinced that B’Gosh is going to break off and fall into the ocean (no wait, that’s California)… well, at any rate she doesn’t seem to think they’re going to be sticking around ‘ole Osh-burg for any significant length of time. To this I respond:
Ppttbbttbbttbb! Like I’ve never been laid off before. Like I’m going to sit around here making chump-change when I could be making more than chump-change and climbing the proverbial ladder. Did I mention ladder-climbing may involve travel… to places like Hong Kong? Umm… OK! Other concerns about B’Gosh: they work you to death – 1,000 hours a week +. Answer: Evidently, the director of this department thinks people who have actual lives outside of work are better, happier employees (genius!). Plus, I’m hourly. Muchos work = muchos ching-ching. Oh yeah. Sometimes being salaried is a status-symbol, sometimes it just means you’re a sucker. I’m currently very happy with my method of payment.
So… to continue: under the heading “when it rains, it pours”, my former boss, who is a boss again because the mucky-mucks at Enzy pulled their heads from their rear-ends, e-mailed me to ask if I’d be interested in my old job back. In the space of an hour, I went from having one ~eh~ (or ~meh~) job prospect, to three, two of them being very good. DOH! And I have to say, if I hadn’t already signed on with B’Gosh, I’d be torn. Only because I LOVED working for S., my boss. He ruled. But I don’t think that hour-one-way thing can compete with the commute of three blocks (and the possibility of international travel). But I would be more than willing to freelance (hint hint, nudge nudge).
And, to top off my already blessed afternoon – I won a free Mountain Dew. Yes, folks, it is my lucky day. So if you all had bad-luck days, I’m sorry, I must have been hogging it all. But I have to say, I’m feeling a bit entitled. My karma hadn’t exactly balanced out since that whole telemarketing thing (being forced to make grandmas cry is no way to make money, folks) – now I say I’m even with the universe.


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