Monday, July 8

"When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed. Say something once, why say it again?" This is why it's ok that some people don't post all the time. Rambling isn't for everyone. ;)
Which isn't to say that it isn't for me. Monday is over. Working later in the day actually makes the day go slower. Who knew? Not me. Reading over all y'all's posts, I have but a short few comments:
#1. Rev- ouch. Been there with that crappy liver stuff. The up-side is, lay off for a while, and then when your doc decides that you can imbibe again without having to be armed with an epi-pen - YOU WILL BE SO DRUNK! No tolerance! Wooooo-hoooo! Trust me. 3 drinks and you'll be taking off your bra - oh wait. That's not you, that's me, or at least us. But maybe we can all hold out for a nice boxer shorts party. :)
#2. Hooray for homemaking! And DerK, I found a lovely spot for links on your blog. Easy. Seriously. It even tells you where in the code. If you don't like it there, that's a different story. Then you may be on your own.

And now for a little more updating on my life, such as it is.
Life is happy here. We are figuring out ways to make bills go away. This makes me happy.
Had a lovely (if chilly) time on the 4th at the Jones'. Fire good (grunt grunt). S'mores good. Friends good. Singing patriotic songs while we're trying to enjoy some colorful explosions - BAD. Very very bad.
Friday night we were in some place very wooded near Milwaukee for Mother's sister's wedding. I don't think that makes B. our aunt, but it was a very good time. Mother has a very fun family (and friends of the family) and all was good, except for the giant mosquito bite on my butt. You should have realized that it couldn't have been all good when I started with the phrase "very wooded". We missed A.lo's par-tay, but I figure it's not my fault if he thinks it's intruding to just have his party on his birthday when we're all together anyway. (This is me giving you shit, Shirley.) That evening I also came to the conclusion that I don't think I could run a salon as big as the one B. works at. There were probably a dozen of her co-workers at the reception, and I came to the conclusion, backed up by Mrs. Jones, that hair people are volatile. Managing that many people would make a salon unnecessary for me, as would tear out all my hair, I'm fairly certain.
Saturday UPB and I went to Sawdust Days. I was hot. (you can re-read that if you missed it the first time) It was as if the crust of the earth had worn thin at Menominee Park and the air temp was increasing due to escaping geothermal energy. HOT. We ate some carny food (better than average by far) and I supported the local veterans, and then we went to DQ for some ice cream. We took in MIB II and enjoyed it very much.
Sunday we enjoyed the company of Gemini and O Fortuna, who I can only imagine will be building their own blogs as soon as their reacclimated to the "dry heat" of the desert SW.
And that brings us to today. Today I found out that Jon at work thinks I can "take him", so he doesn't want to start any trouble with me. I plan to keep it that way. I called B'gosh and left a message over my lunch hour. I told work that I feel like someone who went on a first date and thought it was love at first sight... call me. I'm really excited to see you again. I'll leave my number again in case you don't have it. Really... call me. I'm waiting to hear from you. Call me. Please. Just call. You said you'd call..... Oof.
Oh. And still no modem. Still on the slow-ass dial-up. And Northnet can't seem to keep us connected. It's nice. Just a little while longer.... I guess we've waited this long, a few more days won't actually kill me.
So.... that's my story. TTFN.


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