(Actually written Friday afternoon...)
T-minus… one hour and ten minutes. What does that T-minus thing mean anyway? I’m positive that one of you bad guys must know.
I have come to the conclusion that someone is playing a huge cosmic trick on me. Today I got a call from the outplacement place that Enzy signed us all up for. They heard from a recruiter who wanted to get a look at my resume for an undisclosed job in the “Fox Valley Area” that he thought I’d be perfect for. What’s going on? Where am I? Or, as UPB would say, “Who?” Better question: where the hell were all these people 6 months ago? Or even two weeks ago? I... I’m confused. Evidently, the word on the street is: you need to git ‘choself somma dat Velveteen, ‘cause she’s goin’ outta style. (In my world, that’s how you talk on the “street”.) So… just so everyone out there is on the same page: I HAVE A JOB! I’M EXCITED ABOUT IT! LEAVE ME ALONE NOW PLEASE! Sorry to shout, but somehow I needed to.
Oh… where does the time go? It’s now T-minus 25 minutes. Just like that! Magic! And the week is almost over. Tonight should be fun. A little haircut (not for me), a little Chinese, a little fire, and maybe a little Matty! My friend from work may be dropping by the hiz-ouse with her son, who loves me because I brought bubbles to work the day he visited. Yay me! We can sit outside all night and enjoy the airplane noise. Have I mentioned that I love airplane noise? It’s true. I love it in the morning, during brunch, at noon, during my afternoon nap, while enjoying dinner, watching tv, trying to sleep… yep, I LOVE IT! What’s scary is, I’m not actually sure how sarcastic I’m being. I do kinda think it’s cool. Maybe because I don’t ever ever have to go to that side of town. “Target?” you may ask. Appleton. Two of ‘em. Bang. You see, I’m not some sissy that thinks that Appleton is like 4 states away or some crap. Quit whining, enjoy the boost to the local economy, and drive to Appleton, that’s what I say. Or at least, that’s what I would say if anybody asked.
And now I have a challenge for all of you: pretend you only vaguely know me. And by that, I mean, you have no idea that there is the concept of “the bad guys”, let alone my bad guy name. You have no idea who my friends are. You are (for example) an employer, and a somewhat aloof one, at that. Now (and here’s the challenge) go to Google, or your favorite search dealy, and find a website that I have something to do with. Better yet: find mine. GO!
And post your results, please. This is just a little test… I’ll explain somewhere down the road. Thanks for your cooperation and help.
V out.
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