Today we went to see my dad. He's the nicest dad of all the dads that ever were. Plus, he fried out brats and hot dogs. Mmm... (Don't start).
We went to a town(village)-wide rummage sale at the school, and, I have to say, I was somewhat disappointed. Apart from a GORGIOUS black velvet Ann Taylor shirt for $1.50, for being such a "richy rich" town there weren't many fancy or cool things there. Just goes to show that when I get the "Ohh... you're from Kohler" line that I hate SO much, I am justified in hating it. Of course, some of the cooler things were probably stolen by the custodians as the 5-O was called to the scene when a number of items came up "missing", but no arrests were made to my knowledge. They missed one thing, however, and UPB had quite a find with a sexy orange blender, but I'll let him tell you all about it.
So now we're home, and there's football on tonight (but late) so I think I'm going to rest up. Yay me and my good day!
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