Thursday, October 21

Who's with me?

Hi all!
As you are all aware, moving day is fast approaching. One week, in fact.
I have had many generous offers to help with painting, moving, etc, and I appreciate and will take advantage of them all (thanks!) In order to make that happen, I thought I'd enlighten everyone as to the planned schedule of events:
Thursday the 28th we close on the house at 9 AM. Painting at the new house will commense when we are done with that - probably around 10:30. The plan is to start in the kitchen and then hit other rooms as we are able. If I have tons of help, I may send people to other rooms of the house to get stuff started, depending on, well, which paints we end up getting ahead of time. If you are inclined to help with the painting and have (for some reason) one project that excites you more than the others and you'd want to work on that, just let me know and I'll be sure to have the supplies necessary. Painting projects include: kitchen - ceiling white, walls green, *brick* white, cupboards white; living room - walls red; basement & bar chalkboard paint green; bedroom walls purpley, ceiling blue. We might leave it at that for awhile. I also want to paint the dining room, but that can wait. Actually, all of it can wait except the kitchen (appliances arrive around 9 Friday morning). So - like I said, if something trips your trigger, let me know. Clearly, there's more than a day's worth of work, and if anyone wants to help me prioritize, that would be fine by me.
Friday the 29th hubby and I will begin moving small pre-packed things. Currently, our garage is nearly full-up of these sorts of things, and I imagine the pile will continue to grow. Everyone is welcome to help us in this endevour, or to continue to paint if they wish. It should be obvious that we'll take whatever help we can get :)
Saturday the 30th Mother is helping us get the hook-up with the moving truck. This means big things will be moved. If you help with this, you are a saint and I am forever in your debt. This indebtedness is somewhat diminished if I have already helped you to move, just so we're all clear, but I will be grateful nonetheless. I'm hoping to possibly maybe be able to fit in a trip to Kohler with the big truck to pick up a couple big things I promised I'd take off my dad's hands, if this doesn't work out, then that will be done Sunday as well as the other myriad of things that need doing that day.
Sunday the 31st will be the unfunnest part: cleaning and painting the old apartment.
There's nothing good I can say about it. We'll be painting the currently beautiful walls back to blah. But...whatever. "Needs" to be done, I'm told, so we'll do it.
Monday the 1st... painting at the new house, unpacking, getting settled, possibly sleeping a little. This is the plan.
In addition to the gratefulness, we'll do our best to supply beverages, snackies, meals, delightful company, and soon a new place for the bad guys to hang their hats.
Beverages, meals, etc will be easier to supply once we have, you know, appliances, but we'll make do on Thursday best we can.
So - give us a jingle or drop us a line if you can so I can try to plan accordingly. Include a list of your preferred rations so I can make that go as well, if you could.
My undying appreciation for all of you is already well-documented, but needs not go without saying. I thank you all in advance for whatever you can (or even would like but are unable to) do to help us.
Also - by this time next week I'll be up to my elbows in paint, and damn it... I'm excited.


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