Went to work today, and after pasing through the morning's nausea, it was just fine. One woman I work with also has ties to the un-love-ed CCA, though I think she was on the side that I would have had a problem with, had we been there at the same time. She thinks the former VP was Cruella DeVil, which I can't argue with, but other than that... well, let's just say we don't have a lot in common. Not that I'm poo-pooing the single life, I just can't see resigning myself to a life with my cat at age 35 (ish).
This evening I tried taking a look at those other *fancier* blogs that blogger highlights. Boring. But it made me think that maybe I should add a link to the only news source I like (apart from the Onion, which I guess I should add, too). Here I go.
Shaft dined with us this evening, which was very nice. I thought that I hadn't seen him in so long because we are old, and we go home too early. Turns out, he hasn't really left his pjs in the last week. We bad guys should make a pledge to not allow him to wallow so g-d much. Only because we love him.
Here's a little shout-out to my cousins that may be reading this. Sam, Henry, Frank... you're my favorites, you know. And not just because you're the only ones I could point out in a line-up. Not that I'd ever have to. Right? Right? Now go throw something at the freaky rabbit in your mom's garden. She really doesn't like members of the rodent family. Chia and Ting are very hurt by that, by the way.
Anyway... time to go spend some quality time with Mr. Chan.
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