Thursday, June 20

So here's the story for any of you that are out of the loop:
History cut-and-pasted from an e-mail to MozyBot:
Suffice it to say, the job I thought I got for sure, I didn't get for sure. I'll find out tomorrow if I got it or not, but the down-side is that I don't even really want it because I think Sam probably makes more asking, "Do you want fries with that?" than I'd make. BUT - B'Gosh called to tell me to apply for a position that just opened up with them (hooray!). This is good except that I've interviewed with them before, and even if they love you it takes them months to make up their mind, and by the time that happens they change the job description and you don't fit it anymore.

Today's Thursday (which you should already be able to see). I took a mental-health day away from work and did a little laundry. Somehow I just couldn't stand going into work (again) only to be told that I'd know if I got the job there "tomorrow". I was suppose to know on Monday.
I haven't heard boo from b'gosh yet. *gasp* Yeah, yeah, I know. So actually, there is no news to report from job-land. They did give me shelves around my cube at 4imprint, and they sort of taught me how to do something new yesterday, but as of yet I haven't earned a phone. It's all very strange.

Tomorrow night everyone is invited over to our hiz-ouse for a nice fire in our new-to-us fire pit. (Thanks, T.) That's assuming the thunderstorms continue to go around us. At any rate, come over after dinner, or work, or whathaveyou, and BYOBeverage. And probably seating, if you can.

That's all I got.


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