Thursday, June 6

Welcome to the world of blog, Mrs. Jones. One tip, however: you may not want to update when you are half in the bag and more than a little bit tired! And I thought we decided that we do NOT, in fact, hate skinny girls. A few of the girls that we don't like so much may, in fact, be skinny - and as dear, sweet UPB likes to say, skinny doesn't equal pretty - but we hate plenty of fat girls, too. Some of them work for a competing salon, for example.
That said, I have a funny work story. It should be disheartening, but somehow it isn't. Today the department that I'm temping for passed around a birthday card for one of our co-workers. They wanted to include us, so a post-it inserted in the card read: Pass on to Jon + Julie (and then in very squeezed handwriting) & the other one. Maybe they're so afraid of my abilities and intellect that they're afraid to call me by name. Or they forgot about me. Or perhaps Stephanie is just too hard to spell. At any rate, I had to laugh. I am now "the other one".
Today I'm doing very well with the whole trying-to-lose-weight thing that SOMEONE planted in my head last night. Yogurt for breakfast... Kashi for lunch. I've even had a few sips of *gasp* water today. Crazy. I also have a lovely bag of popcorn that I will make at my leisure. But for now I must go. Back to the grindstone.


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