early to bed, early to rise
It's early. Just barely the am, even. And I'm home from work, and done with three days of working 2nd-ish shift. Unlike the last time this happened, the last three days have been markedly uneventful for me, because despite the fact that we talked to several of my makers, I did no negotiations, saving those up for the next week and a half I'm traveling. So I got to sit, and listen. And sometimes mumble under my breath. And basically get nothing accomplished on anything that I need to do to get ready to be gone. I'm a bit unnerved by the daunting list of things I feel I need to do between now and Sunday around 1 pm. Both at work and at home, I feel completely unprepared. And let me tell you, with the traveling buddies I have, that is going to come back to bite me in the ass in a big, big way - well, the work part, anyway. Tonight I came to the realization that I don't even exactly know my own agenda for the trip. A little scary, really.
I'm sure that despite a mandatory hour-long meeting, and the fact that I'm awake now and need to be back to work in about 8 hours, tomorrow will be very, very productive. Uh-huh... sure it will. *sigh*
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