I can't believe it's Monday, which means the weekend which was supposed to be long, was not. Cuz it's now over. Dammit.
Nonetheless, progress around the apartment (notice: I didn't say "the house" because that's somewhere different now!) has been steady. My goal is to have the garage as filled with boxes as possible to minimize the ups & downs for anyone that will so gracious as to help UPB and I move in a couple months. I figure by the time we actually close on the house it will only be the big stuff left in the apartment and we can just have a bucket brigade (or techically a box brigade) from the garage into the open and waiting moving truck for nearly all of the rest of our possessions. And, for those of you who may have been wondering, we are weeding through things as we go. We might not be mistaken for the Clean Sweep crew, but we're doing pretty well I think.
Now... if anyone out there needs a window air conditioner, please let me know... I may just start a running list of things we'd like to unload that are too nice for the thrift shops but we just aren't using or won't need (like window a/c).
So - I'd say that thinking & planning for the house and the move are taking up about 65% of my time right now. And I (try to) sleep for about 30% of a regular day, so as you can imagine I've been more than a little neglectful of work and (my apologies) my friends as of late - unless you want to talk about the house, and I imagine that's got to be getting boring. Work cannot be pacified with my endless chatter about paint colors, however, and I've fallen woefully behind. Thursday & Friday I shifted into high-work-gear, and since I've been moved away from my beloved, yet distracting, six-pack of coworkers, I got buckets of stuff done. Hopefully this working-hard trend will continue long enough for me to catch up with all the stuff that's fallen by the wayside. I plan to start counting down the days until my boss gets back. Maybe I'll make one of those paper chains. That's mature, right?