Wally World
Since we're all chiming in on the Walmart, I thought some of you may be interested in reading this article that was routed here at work.
Since we're all chiming in on the Walmart, I thought some of you may be interested in reading this article that was routed here at work.
So... I took off of work this afternoon. And knitted. I've been knitting since about 2:30 this afternoon. And to show for it I have one sad-looking miniature pot holder. But I made it. And I experimented a bit, and learned a LOT, and it was lots of fun. Look at me, with my new hobbies: baking, knitting... I'm feeling so....domestic.
We're home from a loverly Christmas in Kohler. I received a Kitchen Aid (very fancy!) and numerous other sweet gifts, gorged myself on dad's girlfriend's treats, and had a generally nice time. The only thing that was hard to come by was the sleep, so now my clock is more than a bit off, as I slept away a good chunk of the afternoon.
Hello boys and girls!
Man I hate this weather...
So...yeah. I seem to have picked up a mild case of the jinx.
Note to Shaft: if you haven't already done so, set your fancy dvr to record MTV's "Volcano High" cuz it rocks and I think you'll love it. One of the few times I'm glad that MTV was showing something other than videos. Unfortunately, it is not yet available on dvd for the US market, or it would have gone in your stocking for sure.
I know I've commented that it seems my world (our world) is painfully, unnecessarily, nearly incomprehensibly small on more than one occassion. But tonight, I couldn't help thinking to myself, "Where do I know that person from??" about not one, but two people. That in all likelihood I should not know at all. The thought occurs to me that perhaps it is a symptom of me becoming a townie.
Last night's dinner deserves a review, I think, but I've got a massive-long to-do list today, so I'll leave it for the critic to expound upon, and I'll just say: it was expensive, but the food and service were good enough to make all of us (even Shaft and Mr. Jones) pleased with the meal, and not feel ripped off in the slightest. Now, when you can find somewhere that the five of us in attendance can agree was good, that's saying something I think.
Hello, it is I, your friendly neighborhood awake-person. This is not unusual for this time of day, on this day of the week. What is unusual is that I've been completely awake since 5 AM. And mostly awake for pretty much most of the night.
Most of you know the long, painful journey I had getting back to the grand U.S. of A. Or, more technically getting the last 250 miles of my 5,000+mile journey home. I don't feel like talking about it. Suffice it to say, my luggage showed up on my downstairs neighbor's front porch some time last night. Anyway... I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do, reading and responding wise, so here goes:
I'm not sure where to begin. I got into Singapore early last night, and had a "free day" today (after working to get caught up for a few hours this morning). If China is the dirtiest place I've ever been (which I would wager it is), Singapore is the cleanest. There is no grafetti (if you remember that caning incident, I'm sure you can imagine why), there is nearly no litter, there are no buildings that are anywhere close to being as run-down as nearly every structure in HK seemed to be. There is, in fact, nothing but malls, as far as I can tell. I swear to God -- we were shown around the city today by a couple girls from our agents' office here (one that I work with every day and the office manager) and we shopped. And shopped. And shopped. "Till we dropped" is no longer just a cliche phrase in my mind. I am completely, 100% exhausted. I am going to bed as soon as I sign off. And it was all malls. I think we were in four different ones, not counting the one that is actually attached to our hotel. And most of the ones we were in were attached to each other, and to more that we didn't go in. It is insane. It was such a blur. I want to type more to explain the insanity, but I just don't have the energy. So I'll just mention a few more things:
Hi everyone!
First off, thank you to IP, UPB and DerK for providing delicious foodstuffs last evening. Last night while lying awake in bed I felt certain that I would never be hungry again.